
People focused. Business minded.
A young couple laughs at a table with small business HSA papers.
A Small Business Health Savings Account for your Company is Good Business

In a competitive job market, benefits can help small businesses hire quality employees. A Health Savings Account (HSA) can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses without being subject to taxes. If your employees have high-deductible health insurance, contributing to a small business HSA...

A man reviews documents at a desk, SB 1162 went into effect in California on January 1, 2023.
Explaining California’s New Pay Transparency Act SB 1162

California’s most recent Pay Transparency Law went live on January 1, 2023. SB 1162 requires business owners with employees in California to track and report payscale ranges. Requirements vary for small and large businesses. Linda Duffy, President and Founder of Ethos Human Capital Solutions, led...

A new employee discusses small business health insurance benefits with her employer.
Introduction to Small Business Health Insurance

It’s not just about wages anymore. In a competitive hiring environment, benefits matter, and small business health insurance could give your company an advantage in hiring.  There is an art to making group benefit plan decisions. You want a plan that makes sense for the majority...

It’s 2023: Do you know who your beneficiary designations are?

Over the last 18 months, we have been diligently working to upgrade our payroll service offerings. Our goal is to provide our clients with tools that will save you time, make the payroll process more efficient, and simplify your experience....

New Law Prohibits Employers From Requiring Employees To Arbitrate

On October 10, 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law AB51 which drastically impacts the utilizing of arbitration agreements in the employment context.AB51 adds Section 432.6 to the Labor Code and, when it becomes effective on January 1, 2020, the new law will prohibit...

Will your city be affected by minimum wage increases on July 1st?
Will your city be affected by minimum wage increases on July 1st?

Many states and cities have taken the initiative to schedule minimum wage increases. For some cities, increases are set to take effect on July 1st on an annual basis.Because some cities have a higher minimum wage rate than the one set by the State or...

Employer SSA Correction Request Notices

Recently, the SSA began sending "No Match Letter" notifications to employers regarding possible employee name and/or Social Security Number mismatches.  These letters represent a new phase of the SSA enforcing employment eligibility. If you received a “No Match Letter”, please send us the notice immediately...

Employers Beware: IRS Planning Major Overhaul of Form W-4
Employers Beware: IRS Planning Major Overhaul of Form W-4

Have you seen the latest statistics? According to Business Enterprise Institute, 79% of small businesses will be exiting their businesses, whether by transferring ownership or shutting them, in the next 10 years. ...